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Why This? (Composition #1)

Theme: To ensure that young people of today would have the worthwhile platform to be the great molders and changers of tomorrow...


* The Birth of "Success 4 the Future"...

* Being Young...

* Responsibility...

Greetings and welcome to the virtual headquarters of "Success 4 the Future". As the Director of Programs, it is indeed a great pleasure to connect with you through this medium. Please be sure to let us know what you think about our website and if you feel inclined to volunteer or make a financial contribution, we would definitely appreciate it.

"Success 4 the Future" was established to assist at-risk youth and their families, particularly those in high poverty and underserved areas - through implementation of behavior intervention and character development programs. Our aim is to ensure that young people steer clear of pathways that lead towards delinquency, social dependency, and incarceration.

We have been fortunate to obtain worthwhile contributions from stakeholders in multiple communities. Because of this we have helped a plethora of young people progress mentally, socially, academically, economically, and even spiritually. Each day we work to expand our responsibilities as a public service resource tool. We love the duty we have assumed and look to make a lasting impact in the international community - one neighborhood at a time.

Young people today face a far more difficult society than generations before them, as they are distracted with hate music, senseless television, vulgar movies, the untamed internet, time consuming social media, and the challenges of peer pressure and the streets like never before. Our programs are designed to provide an outlet that will allow even that child that has been written off from society to become a worthwhile contributing citizen of that same society.

Our responsibility can't be to blame others but rather to create solutions. Our responsibility can't be to complain about our circumstances but rather to change the outcomes. Our responsibility won't be to wait on others to make the difference but rather to become engaged and be the change we seek to see.

This is only the beginning, and I hope that you will stay tuned to the journey. Share our website, volunteer, and make a donation. Our actions today definitely shape tomorrow. Until next time, thanks for visiting and God bless!

- Reggie

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