Recognizing Real Labor: For the People! (Vol. 2 #1)
Without a single penny from the city, county, or the banks - I think we're doing pretty well...
As you begin to celebrate your Labor Day weekend, I wanted to highlight some young people that have been putting in some serious work --- on behalf of the communities they represent. This is what worthwhile outreach looks like. These young people aren't just the leaders of tomorrow. They are the change agents of today!
Who was the only youth group to organize and host a forum for Mayoral and City Council Candidates? Mu Kappa Phi, Music Organization of course...

"Molding Tomorrow, Today!" was the Inaugural Leadership Initiative of the Junior Greek Fraternity. They will host the 2nd Annual "MTT!" on Sunday October 21, 2018. This will embody statewide candidates that impact the Mobile Area.
Who was the only youth group to organize and host an event at the Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce? iHeal of course...

The "SGA Think Tank" combined some of the greatest minds to discuss solutions towards: Academic Readiness; Diversity & commUNITY; and Youth Violence.
These young people gained wisdom from the Chamber's Director of Education & Workforce Development; the Mobile Chief of Police; and then Chairman of the Mobile County Board of School Commissioners. The 2nd Annual SGATT will be held this December.

This year, the Mobile County Board of School Commissioners selected a new Superintendent. No citizen in the entire district was able to question the Superintendent Candidates, except 3 people. Who were they? Members of Mu Kappa Phi of course!
Not only did our Program Participants speak on behalf of their peers, addressing concerns that often get overlooked - they supported the newly appointed Superintendent at his swearing in ceremony. And, let it be known, they were the only MCPSS students in attendance, other than the Superintendent's children.

In "Success 4 the Future", young people learn that it is pointless to complain or even have an opinion, if you aren't apart of the process. Members of our organization take Youth Violence head on - and we, collectively, are planting the seeds to make a lasting difference. These teens hosted our Inaugural "Drippin' In Success" Youth Empowerment Rally to create a proactive approach to these very issues. We were even fortunate enough to have the Alabama Secretary of State's Office come down, register some of our youth to vote, and print off FREE Voter ID's.

"S4TF" members are no strangers to confronting issues that matter. In the 1960's, people of color couldn't use public facilities because of their skin complexion. In 2018 - the youth of our city were told they couldn't use the facilities because they were too hostile and violent. Instead of complaining, they engaged the policy makers.

The Administration wouldn't budge. But, Mu Kappa Phi still hosted the event at a private location, and proved that when you create a positive environment, you get positive results - with no incidents!

Humans have learned the same way, since the beginning of time. We copy what we see and repeat what we hear. Until we are exposed to something different, we can't expect different results.
Our Founder, Stakeholders, and most importantly - Our Program Participants are committed to actually improving the quality of life for all people.
As they continue to steer clear of pathways that lead towards delinquency; social dependency; and incarceration, through implementation of worthwhile behavior intervention and character development programs - We hope that you will join us in the effort! This is what it is all about! #LIFE

As you have the time, please take a moment and watch: Breaking the Cycle. A Town Hall with some prominent advocates for young people in Mobile County. I had the privilege of serving as a panelist with these powerful people! Bless God and He will bless us, my friends!
Kindest Regards,
The Composer of Thoughts: Reggie Hill