A Dream Returned...

In Marching Band, the signs of the best Section Leader are always reflected through the next Leader of the Section...
From Reggie Hill, M. Ed. –
Great Day, Good People. May you be blessed beyond measures of your most elaborate imagination. I am ecstatic that you have chosen to visit with us. It’s my pleasure to write you!
An old saying once suggested, much like a coin, there are two-sides to every story. While later interpretations of the same idea insisted that the “third-side” became truth… the root idea is that truth should have already been a part of the original analogy, however.
Just yesterday, during an “S4TF” Empowerment Session, a 9th Grade Project Participant reflected on an essay he had to write, earlier this week, on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the holistic-impact he made—as a result of the Civil Rights Movement.
Unsurprisingly, the emphamis “I Have a Dream” speech was the center of his focus. He highlighted how one man’s influential approach paved way for the realization that American livelihood had to be amended tremendously if all U. S. Citizens would have access to true freedom and prosperous opportunity.
Interestingly enough (as well), the young man figured that the stains of bigotry, segregation, and discrimination had in some sense be cleaned or resolved.
It was one of the most painstaking moments of pondering that ensued immediately after this essay revelation was made to me. I didn’t know whether to be frustrated that an education system (using Public dollars & legal enforcement) had robbed a younger version of myself from the realities of Society… or that this (arm’s reach away) embodiment of my being was so conditioned in the (new) ways of the world—that he didn’t even consider that his actual quality of life was 2nd Class.
Sure… We can sit in the same communal places, today. Yet, the rooms where the serious conversations determining the rule of law and economics rarely see the impoverished or non-pale skin individuals in attendance or (sadly) even represented.
In the coming days we shall unpack this with much more attention to detail. Because there are no (unique) labels to those who hinder progress. And that needs to be clarified. However, for time sake… the instant response I gathered (in this painstaking encounter) was mentioning to the young man, the speech I have attached below.
Oh yeah… most everyone around the globe knows Dr. King’s speech from the “March On Washington” of 1963 (8/28). But how many of us know about “The Nightmare”?
Check it out and let me know what you think. I bet that “S4TF” Project Participant won’t be the only person to affirm that they had never heard this message before.
Keep doing amazing things. We need you!