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Adversaries, Allied!

From Reggie Hill, M. Ed. –

Great Day, Good People! May your next few days be all that you desire them to be.

Today, I want to bring the influence of this week into full perspective. While the content is heavy, my intent is to be brief.

In 2017, I spoke before a meeting which led to the assurance of body cameras be utilized by the Mobile Police Department. Though a nonprofit organization may not express support for a particular political entity—it is still the sole responsibility of such entities to bring about public awareness, especially regarding social issues.

This effort, by no means, was derived from an aspiration to belittle law enforcement. Instead it was a call for accountability to protect all people involved, regardless of your background.

In 2023 we have body cameras, but the accessibility to the footage is still withheld from the taxpayers who provide any amenity for an incorporated residency.

As a human society we must arrive to a place where we acknowledge that our similarities overpower our differences. Having differing approaches does not equate to the validity that our outcomes are adverse. Surely, there a varying agendas within any operation. Nonetheless, the will of the people (when organized and united) has always prevailed any irregular governmental practicing.

On December 1, 1963 Jackie Kennedy pinned a letter that truly laid a standard for foreign relations. Because it stemmed from dealings in the United States of America, one could rest knowing that the impact would be international. Read it for yourself, below.

The primary point in the message was the quote she reiterated: “You and he were adversaries, but you were allied in a determination that the world should not be blown up.”

The beauty of democracy is the fact that we don’t always, all, have to agree. Yet, our absolute aim must be for a sufficient sanctity of life—with a high-standard quality—for all people.

In the coming days, we will examine the importance of being engaged with your community and the benefits of civic empowerment. Until then, be the example deliberation and critical thinking. Where hostility presents itself, be determined to discover the resolve. The consequence of harmony creates a platform increased prosperity in ways none would imagine.

Anticipate and believe in our greater (wherever you are), whether it’s moving from the worst or our best!


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