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Season To Taste!

From Reggie Hill, M. Ed. –


Great Day, Good People. I send nothing but love your way!


My apologies for not warning you that there wouldn’t be a post on Friday. I wanted to fully embody the holiday spirit. It was a great time with family and Project Participants. I am so grateful for the work that I do.


As I write you, I am headed to meet one of my original Project Participants from the Mobile Area, who is now a few semesters away from obtaining his Undergraduate Degree.


If you take anything from the expressions I share, always make time to create laughs and good times with those who you love and care for.


We have a lot to unpack as we close out 2023. I feel that I have held my tongue (thumbs) long enough. The people need true enlightenment and this is the place to receive it.


Have a powerfully abundant week. I believe in you!




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